Training solutions

How to Conceive and Implement Effective Presentations

Creating presentations and decision templates seems to be no problem today. An infinite number of colorful templates and designs suggest easy and fast implementation. But unfortunately, the opposite is the case: A large part of all presentations misses the topic and goal – and thus also the possible success. Because the art of creating effective presentations essentially depends on convincing the listeners through good structures and effective dramaturgy.

Training solutions for creating effective presentations:

Reden und Vorträge konzipieren und strukturieren

Creating Presentations

Designing and Creating High-Impact Presentations

From storyline to presentation in a consistent concept.

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A great leader can change a person's life. But when inspired leaders and employees at all levels act courageously to connect and engage the people around them, an entire company can be transformed. We want to inspire and encourage people at all levels of a company.

Resources and insights on the topic of presentations:

Webinar virtuell pitchen und präsentieren

Virtuell pitchen, präsentieren, überzeugen!

Wie Sie erfolgreich im virtuellen Raum agieren
Katharina Sowa

Unser Webinartipp: Digitalisierungsmüde? Entlastung durch Visualisierung

Visualisierungen steigern die Konzentration, erhöhen die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne und regen Kreativität an. Punkten Sie in Ihren Präsentationen und machen Sie sich und Ihr Produkt merkbar! Unsere Trainerin Katharina Sowa zeigt Ihnen, wie es geht!

Create Presentations that Move People: Our Corporate Seminars Show How It’s Done!

Whether back in school, at the university, or now in professional life, presentations are a fixed component as they convey knowledge and added value with visual support. For this to succeed, you must create presentations that truly resonate with your listeners and guests. This sounds easy, but it's not always the case in practice. We will show you how to get the most out of your planned presentation!

From the Idea, through Conception to Implementation

Presentations generally fall into three sub-areas. Everything starts with the idea or the project. Regardless of whether it’s complex facts or general, important information, the presentation is permeated by a common thread that finds its origins in the idea and the associated project. Only then does it move to the conception. In this step, the speaker considers how they can prepare their ideas and knowledge in a comprehensible yet entertaining form, captivating the listeners while remaining understandable. Various tools can play a role in this stage of creation, such as creative storytelling or the sensible use of different media content.

If you want to create presentations, conception and implementation are the phases where the most common mistakes happen. Both go hand in hand, as we always make clear in our seminars. The speaker must understand and really know their presentation to deliver flawless speech flow with excellent rhetoric. The presentation is also the visual anchor for the guests. Regardless of whether presentations are held within your own company to colleagues or externally to business partners, at trade fairs and co., the presentation itself visually captures what the speaker further elaborates with their rhetorical skills. This involves more than just randomly choosing templates.

Creating Presentations - What Matters in Practice

For the presentation not to miss its effect, it must be many things - above all exciting. Even content perceived as dry must not lose the attention of the listeners. Dramaturgy, storytelling or other creative means pave the way for an exciting presentation. The visual elements, whether graphics, videos, or audio files, provide the necessary variety during the presentation. Addressing both halves of the brain pays off. This way, the narrative remains much more memorable, the listener does not get bored, and the conveyed knowledge is actually processed.

For this reason, we show in the course of our seminars how to create presentations that do not miss your topic and goal but hit positively with customers. Among other things, we teach our participants how decision templates are effectively prepared and presented and how successful presentations benefit from a storyline and comparable creative approaches. "To the point", we show participants how efficient and versatile presentations in practice can be when you say goodbye to the often inefficient and poorly structured slide chaos.

Your own rhetoric is finally the icing on the cake. With wit and charm, but without a melon, you pull your listeners into your camp and give the presented contents emphasis. The finished presentations, from the slides to the rhetoric, have nothing in common with ordinary, uninteresting speeches. They are attractive tools to convey knowledge with maximum efficiency and the necessary punch.